15 / 28 April
The Holy Apostles Aristarchus, Pudens and Trophimus
These were all numbered among the Seventy. Aristarchus was Bishop of Apamea in Syria. The Apostle Paul mentions him several times (Acts 19:29; Col. 4:10; Philem. v.24). He was seized in Ephesus, together with Gaius, by a mob that had risen up against Paul. The Apostle wrote to the Colossians: 'Aristarchus my fellow-prisoner saluteth you', and, in the Epistle to Philemon, Paul calls Aristarchus 'my fellow-labourer', together with Mark, Demas and Lucas. Pudens was an eminent Roman citizen. The Apostle Paul mentions him once (II Tim. 4:21). Pudens' house was first the refuge of the chief apostles and was then turned into a church dedicated to the Good Shepherd. Trophimus was an Asian (Acts 20:4), and accompanied St Paul on his journeys. In one place, Paul writes: 'Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick (11 Tim. 4:21). During Nero's persecution, when the Apostle Paul was beheaded, these glorious martyrs were also beheaded. The Holy Martyr Sabbas the Goth; The Holy Martyrs Vasilissa and Anastasia; St. Paternus, bishop of Llanbadarn Fawr - a monk and bishop probably born and education in SE Wales. He was the founder of Llanbadarn Fawr of which he was both abbot and bishop for twenty years and from which he evangelised the neighbouring countryside. He seems to have been more closely associated with Roman civilisation than some other early Welsh saints; St Ruadhan, abbot & bishop (584AD) - founder and abbot of Lothra (Co. Tipperary). He is said to have been of royal Munster stock and was educated at Clonard. He is sometimes recognised as one of the twelve apostles of Ireland. His monastery is said to have numbered 150 monks. An ancient oratory on to which the parish church at Lothra has been built may be his.
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