Youth Conference 2004
On-Line Orthodoxy
Note: since the 2004 Youth Conference, a number of the linked pages have been moved or removed. The original links are retained in a different typeface.
Basic Orthodox Theology
Resource Pages
- Orthodox Information Center
- Orthodox Booklets
- Scripture Search
- Church Fathers
- Apostolic Teachings
- Early Christian History
- http://www.digiserve.com/mystic/Christian/Philokalia/: The Philokalia
- The Ecumenical Councils (Catholic source)
- The Ecumenical Councils (from the fathers)
- Orthodox Christian Foundation
- The Orthodox Christian Page
- Orthodox Resources on the Internet
- Orthodox WorldLinks
- Prosphora Baking
- http://www.stvladimirs.ca/library/way-of-the-ascetics.html: Way of the Ascetics
- ROCOR Directory
- http://www.ocf.org/orthodoxpage/icons/clip_in.html: Clip Art Icons
- http://holy_orthodox.tripod.com/index.html: Clip Art
- Roman Catholic Encyclopedia
- The CyberDesert
- St. John Maximovitch
- http://www.orthodoxinfo.com/general/icon_faq.aspx: The Icon FAQ
- Guide to Early Church Documents
- St. Pachomius Library
- St. John Chrysostom
- http://www.oca.org/pages/orth_chri/Feasts-and-Saints/church_year.html: Feasts and Saints of the Church Year
- http://www.stxenia.org/frsrose/ortham.shtml: Orthodoxy in America (Fr. Seraphim Rose)
- The Orthodox World-View (Fr. Seraphim Rose)
- On Becoming and Remaining Orthodox
- Sola Scriptura
- The Bible and Holy Tradition (pendant)
- Orthodox Monasticism
- ROCOR in Australia/New Zealand
- http://www.mospat.ru/e_startpage: Moscow Patriarchate
- Orthodox Church in America
- Antiochian Archdiocese
- Greek Archiocese
Church Home Pages with Extensive Resources
- Protection of the Mother of God
- St. John the Baptist Cathedral
- SS Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church
Personal Home Pages with Extensive Resources
- http://homepages.ius.edu/ksander/Kurt Sander (music)
- http://www.philthompson.net/index2.html: Silouan Thompson
- Hermitage of the Holy Cross
- Holy Trinity Monastery
- http://vashonmonks.com/: All-Merciful Saviour Monastery
- St. Edward Orthodox Brotherhood
- Valaam Monastery
- Orthodox America
- http://www.roca.org/orthodoxfamily/: Orthodox Family
- Orthodox England
- zlatolust - ROCOR Journal (in Russian)
Service Materials
- http://www.sspeterpaul.org/priest.html: The Priest’s Service Book
- http://www.transfigcathedral.org/faith/Bulgakov/Bulgakov Handbook
- http://web.ukonline.co.uk/ephrem/general.htm: General Menaion
- Orthodox Prayer Book
- http://pages.prodigy.net/frjohnwhiteford/services.htmLiturgical Texts (includes reader’s services)
- http://web.ukonline.co.uk/ephrem/: Extensive Liturgical Texts
- http://pomog.org/ochrid.html: Prologue from Ochrid
- http://www.monachos.net/monasticism/andrew_of_crete/: Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
- ustav
- St. Romanos - English Music Source
- Russian Orthodox Church Music
- Orthodox Musical Resources
- http://homepages.ius.edu/ksander/orthchoral.htm": Orthodox Choral Music
- http://www.oca.org/pages/orth_chri/Publications/Music/index.html: >OCA Music
- http://chant.theologian.org/index_pdf.html: Byzantine Music
- Podoben (extensive library)
- Liturgical Music
- Orthodox Psalm
- http://www.synaxis.info/psalom/chantbooks/chantbooks.html: Chant Documentation Project
- On the Duties of a Choir Singer
- http://homepages.ius.edu/ksander/ROCM.html: Liturgical Harmony
Mail Order
- St. John of Kronstadt Press
- Eastern Christian Supply Co.
- Regina Press
- Light and Life
- Conciliar Press
- Mt. Sinai Orthodox Church Products
- Paidea Classics
- <http://www.geocities.com/kitezhgrad/: Russian Info
- Inner Light Productions (Michael McClellan)
- Orthodox Friends
- http://orthodoxepubsoc.org/intro.htm: Slavonic E-Tutor