Youth Conference 2004
Dear participants of the Orthodox Youth Conference!
This year's Orthodox Youth Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese promises to be special, as it celebrates its 40th anniversary!
The wonderful tradition of youth conferences began exactly 40 years ago, when our diocese was headed by the ever-memorable Archbishop Sava. From that time on, annually during the Christmas holidays, our beloved young people assemble with their spiritual advisors from all the states of Australia for a spiritually beneficial, informative and pleasant get-together.
Youth conferences are very important for the spiritual and culturally ethnic formation of future generations of Orthodox Christians in Australia. Through lectures, participation in divine services, talks, discussions, friendly association with persons of the same age group and religious adherence, young people gain a more thorough knowledge of their faith and become inspired with the spirit of Orthodoxy. This is why our archpastors and clergy continue each year to devote special attention to this event of great significance in our church life.
This year's jubilee Conference is special in that it is being held for the first time in Australia's capital - Canberra. In the course of the Conference the participants will have an opportunity to visit some of the interesting sites of this beautiful city.
We are fortunate in having guest speakers from abroad along with our local speakers. They will share with us their valuable experience and insights in the area of Orthodox belief and will help us to form an Orthodox Christian world view.
Welcome to our 40th jubilee Orthodox Youth Conference! I pray that this Conference will help you to acquire valuable knowledge concerning our holy Orthodox faith and God's richest blessings in your struggle for salvation.
With love in Christ,